To use the Income Requirement Calculator, please first select the Tier requirement for the property you are applying for (Note: Tier requirements are listed in the individual property descriptions for each property. All Tier requirements are listed below for you to review).

Then enter the rent amount of the property you are applying for, your verifiable cash reserves (if applicable), the gross verifiable income for all applicants in your group, and the minimum estimated monthly consumer debt payments for all applicants combined. Then, click "Calculate" to determine your income requirement and the percentage you reach.

Tier Requirement Explanation

  • Tier 1

    1. Three years of good rental references or homeownership, with no late payments. No evictions – no exceptions.

    2. A minimum credit score of 750 on the Equifax Credit Report we pull with at least 3 years of positive credit history: No past due accounts, collections, or judgments. Note: Credit reporting agencies weigh their scoring factors differently, and scores vary between companies and whether the credit is a soft or hard pull.

    3. Verifiable, combined, gross monthly income of at least 3X the monthly rent amount after deducting for estimated monthly payments based on the Equifax credit report (Examples - payments for Credit cards, student loans, autos loans and mortgages).

    a. Income Requirement Calculator: Tiner utilizes an Income Required Calculator that determines the minimum income needed for any given property and applicant.

    b. Verifiable cash reserves amounting to at least 12x the rent will reduce the income requirement proportionately.

    c. Mortgages: Monthly mortgage payments may be partly or wholly removed from the income requirement when an applicant sufficiently demonstrates that the property is selling/sold or that rental income offsets the mortgage payment.

  • Tier 2

    1. Three years of good rental references or homeownership, with no late payments. No evictions – no exceptions.

    2. A minimum credit score of 725 on the Equifax Credit Report we pull with at least 3 years of positive credit history: No past due accounts, collections, or judgments. Note: Credit reporting agencies weigh their scoring factors differently, and scores vary between companies and whether the credit is a soft or hard pull.

    3. Verifiable, combined, gross monthly income of at least 2.85X the monthly rent amount after deducting for estimated monthly payments based on the Equifax credit report (Examples - payments for Credit cards, student loans, autos loans and mortgages).

    a. Income Requirement Calculator: Tiner utilizes an Income Required Calculator that determines the minimum income needed for any given property and applicant.

    b. Verifiable cash reserves amounting to at least 12x the rent will reduce the income requirement proportionately.

    c. Mortgages: Monthly mortgage payments may be partly or wholly removed from the income requirement when an applicant sufficiently demonstrates that the property is selling/sold or that rental income offsets the mortgage payment. 

  • Tier 3

    1. Three years of good rental references or homeownership, with no late payments. No evictions – no exceptions.

    2. A minimum credit score of 700 on the Equifax Credit Report we pull with at least 3 years of positive credit history: No past due accounts, collections, or judgments. Note: Credit reporting agencies weigh their scoring factors differently, and scores vary between companies and whether the credit is a soft or hard pull.

    3. Verifiable, combined, gross monthly income of at least 2.75X the monthly rent amount after deducting for estimated monthly payments based on the Equifax credit report (Examples - payments for Credit cards, student loans, autos loans and mortgages).

    a. Income Requirement Calculator: Tiner utilizes an Income Required Calculator that determines the minimum income needed for any given property and applicant.

    b. Verifiable cash reserves amounting to at least 12x the rent will reduce the income requirement proportionately.

    c. Mortgages: Monthly mortgage payments may be partly or wholly removed from the income requirement when an applicant sufficiently demonstrates that the property is selling/sold or that rental income offsets the mortgage payment.

  • Tier 4

    1. Three years of good rental references or homeownership, with no late payments. No evictions – no exceptions.

    2. A minimum credit score of 675 on the Equifax Credit Report we pull with at least 3 years of positive credit history: No past due accounts, collections, or judgments. Note: Credit reporting agencies weigh their scoring factors differently, and scores vary between companies and whether the credit is a soft or hard pull.

    3. Verifiable, combined, gross monthly income of at least 2.65X the monthly rent amount after deducting for estimated monthly payments based on the Equifax credit report (Examples - payments for Credit cards, student loans, autos loans and mortgages).

    a. Income Requirement Calculator: Tiner utilizes an Income Required Calculator that determines the minimum income needed for any given property and applicant.

    b. Verifiable cash reserves amounting to at least 12x the rent will reduce the income requirement proportionately.

    c. Mortgages: Monthly mortgage payments may be partly or wholly removed from the income requirement when an applicant sufficiently demonstrates that the property is selling/sold or that rental income offsets the mortgage payment.

  • Tier 5

    1. Three years of good rental references or homeownership, with no late payments. No evictions – no exceptions.

    2. A minimum credit score of 650 on the Equifax Credit Report we pull with at least 3 years of positive credit history: No past due accounts, collections, or judgments. Note: Credit reporting agencies weigh their scoring factors differently, and scores vary between companies and whether the credit is a soft or hard pull.

    3. Verifiable, combined, gross monthly income of at least 2.5X the monthly rent amount after deducting for estimated monthly payments based on the Equifaxcredit report (Examples - payments for Credit cards, student loans, autos loans and mortgages).

    a. Income Requirement Calculator: Tiner utilizes an Income Required Calculator that determines the minimum income needed for any given property and applicant.

    b. Verifiable cash reserves amounting to at least 12x the rent will reduce the income requirement proportionately.

    c. Mortgages: Monthly mortgage payments may be partly or wholly removed from the income requirement when an applicant sufficiently demonstrates that the property is selling/sold or that rental income offsets the mortgage payment.

Tier Calculator

Income Requirement Calculator


Note: Should Tiner Property Management need to change the Income Requirement Calculator, Screening Guidelines, or Tier Requirements, those updates will be published on and applied uniformly to all open applicants. 

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