Applicant FAQ

  • Where can I find information on your available properties?

    Our available properties are found on hundreds of websites, but you may find the most accurate and up to date listings under the available properties tab on our website There you can sort available properties using many filters.

  • Are all Tiner's properties listed on the website?

    Tiner lists properties that are available to view by scheduling an appointment.

  • What are Tiner Properties requirements to rent a home?

    1. All persons 18+ years old must complete an application.
    2. ALL applicants who apply together must meet our Screening Guidelines for the entire application group to be accepted.
    3. Any bankruptcy must be discharged.
    4. Positive credit history with a minimum credit score criteria.
    5. No pets unless otherwise stated on the property page of our website.
    6. Co-signers: We are not accepting cosigners at this time.
    7. Applicants with landlord judgments or evictions will be declined (except for COVID-protected periods).
    8. Complete applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis.
    9. Applications are not considered “complete” until all the following are submitted:
    • Completed Application for all occupants over the age of 18
    • Application fees received for all applicants
    • Verification of ID, which can include enlarged scans of any 2 of the following:
    1. Current and valid driver's license or Photo ID card
    2. Current passport
    • Copy of social security card (preferred), W-2 or tax return with full ss# listed
    • Verification of sufficient income, which can include:
    1. Four most recent pay stubs
    2. 2 years personal tax returns (top 2 pages only)
    3. W-2
    4. Connect your bank account for verification

    Note: All verifications of rental reference are considered based upon the first response by the owner or management. Any subsequent changes to the first response will not be given equal weight in final determination.

    Each property also requires qualifying under a tiered guideline. You may find the properties tier listed on the marketing for each property for more information.

    1. Three years of good rental references or homeownership, with no late payments. No evictions – no exceptions.
    2. A minimum credit score from the Experian Credit Report we pull with at least 3 years of positive credit history: No past due accounts, collections, or judgments. Note: Credit reporting agencies weigh their scoring factors differently, and scores vary between companies and whether the credit is a soft or hard pull.
    3. Verifiable, combined, gross monthly income of a multiplier of the monthly rent amount after deducting for estimated monthly payments based on the Experian credit report (Examples - payments for Credit cards, student loans, autos loans and mortgages).
    • Income Requirement Calculator: Tiner utilizes an Income Required Calculator that determines the minimum income needed for any given property and applicant.
    • Verifiable cash reserves amounting to at least 12x the rent will reduce the income requirement proportionately.
    • Mortgages: Monthly mortgage payments may be partly or wholly removed from the income requirement when an applicant sufficiently demonstrates that the property is selling/sold or that rental income offsets the mortgage payment.

    Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis for all completed applications. All applications are processed in compliance with Fair Housing Law.

  • Does Tiner approve applicants on a first come first served basis?

    Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis for all completed applications. All applications are processed in compliance with Fair Housing Law.

  • Can my application be used for other Tiner Properties?

    An applicant that meets the screening guidelines is good for 30 days from submission and may be placed toward any Tiner property.

  • Do you allow pets?

    Whether a property allows pets (type, size and number) is noted under each property's marketing description.  An increased deposit and/or pet rent is dependent upon the property and number of pets allowed.

  • Does Tiner allow my service/ESA animal?

    Tiner Properties follows all Fair Housing Laws and service animals are accepted. If you have an ESA animal you may state that on your application and register your ESA animal, at no cost, during the application process.

  • Can I apply with a co-signor?

    Some property owners will consider a co-signor for lack of credit or rental history. Ask before applying. A co-signor is not accepted for an applicant's negative credit or rental history. Any co-signor must be credit qualified and verifiable income to cover both their own living situation and the rental property. Co-signors must typically reside in the area.

  • How do I apply for a property?

    On all of Tiner's property description pages is an Apply Now button to link to our online application. You may upload supporting and required documents to your application.

  • How can I pay my application fees?

    Application fees are paid at the end of the application online process and is part of the completed application submitted for first come, first served process.

  • Are my application fees refundable if my application is not accepted?

    Yes, per CA law, your application fee will be refunded if your application is not considered, or if your application is not processed in full you may receive a partial refund. 

  • How long does it take to process my application?

    Typically, our application process takes 2-3 business days to complete. This will depend upon the number of applications we receive and if you have completed your application fully, provided the required documentation and paid fees for each applicant.

  • What is the best way to find out how my application process is going?

    You will be notified once your application has been received and fees have been paid. If we need any further information we will contact you. You will be contacted once your application is either approved or denied. If you have not received an update please email us at

  • How long will Tiner hold a property once my application is approved?

    You should be prepared to submit your deposit in the form of a cashier's check or money order as soon as your application is approved. 

  • My application has been approved. What is the next step?

    When you have been notified of your application approval, you will need to be prepared to provide your holding deposit in the form of a cashier's check or certified funds within 1 business day.  Once the holding deposit is received you will be contacted by the property manager to schedule your move in date, review and electronically sign your lease and move in documents, and provide proof of insurance and confirmation of any utility transfers. 

  • What are your standard Rental Agreement Terms?

    Linked here is a sample of our Rental Agreement/Addendum 

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